$37.00 USD

The Closer to Your Husband In 7 Days Challenge

Join now to generate so much more of the loving intimacy you want with your spouse in just one week!

What you'll get (and keep!):

  • 7 video lessons teaching you one simple research-backed way a day to grow tangible connection, which you will implement each day. (Value: $129)
  • A workbook and audios to help you apply and integrate more deeply, so you can grow even more connection and closeness in your relationship. (Value: $30)
  • Bonus choose-your-own adventure challenges to overcome blocks to loving connection and add in more of the intimacy you want. (Value $35)
  • Hannah's answers to your questions via live Q and A calls (Value $50+)
  • Support and motivation from others doing this same work...And more (See full details here)!  

(Total Value $244) 

All for only $37!

[No refunds, as per industry standard]

What People Are Saying:

He's starting to relax more with me, to laugh and joke now with me whereas before we were always so serious or fighting all the time. I am proud of myself for opening my heart to love and softness. It feels so much softer around us. Yesterday, he listened to me with love and understanding. Then we shared how proud we are of each other and how much we love each other.

Lynn, Past Participant

This challenge has completely changed the way I see him and feel for him now. I feel us getting closer and closer. I love him. I had simply forgotten that I loved him. Now I know we love each other and we both love us.

~ Carolyn, past participant